We cannot stress enough how much our continued access to climbing areas is based on our communal actions at the crag. We must all follow the Climbers Code of Respect. This code was put together by Rock Respect with input from access groups across Canada. If you love your crags and do not want to see them closed, it is crucial to follow these guidelines.

Respect the Dangers

Outdoor climbing poses many safety concerns that are not present in a climbing gym. Make sure that you are properly prepared for rock climbing outside.

Respect the Environment

Climbing areas are more environmentally sensitive than you may think. Lead by example and leave the cliff cleaner than you found it.

Respect Others

Please be respectful of landowners and other people at the cliff. Stay educated about cliff rules, as well as any cliff access issues that may be present.

Respect Access

Local access groups and volunteers have fought hard to keep climbing areas open. It is imperative that you be on best behavior to keep it that way. Stay educated on climbing area access considerations


Who’s liable if you get hurt? You are. It is crucial that you understand the risks of climbing, obtain sufficient training to mitigate the risks, and follow safe practices at the crag.

Occupiers Liability Act BC

What does the Occupiers Liability Act mean?

  • You (the climber) are:

    • aware and agreeing to any risk or danger, and

    • responsible for your own safety, unless:

      • you have signed a waiver or provided payment to the landowner

  • The landowner is responsible to:

    • not create danger with intent to do harm, or

    • act with reckless disregard to safety